I was pleased to hear over the weekend that the Sevenoaks District Council bid for a new Sevenoaks East/West cycling route has received almost one million pounds of central Government funding.
The route, which I wrote in support of to the Department for Transport last summer, will provide a safe walking and cycling route from Riverhead Infant School and Amherst Primary in the west of the town, all the way to the secondary school campus in the east, taking in Knole Academy, Sevenoaks Primary and Sevenoaks railway station. It has been a long-term commitment of conservative district councillors, and part of the long-term ambition to continue to improve the district’s air quality and reduce our environmental impacts across the district.
I would like to thank the brilliant team at Sevenoaks District Council for all their hard work in putting the bid together, alongside Kent County Council who supported them in securing the investment.