Buses are important locally, but bus services are not as regular as they should be.
While traditionally the country’s favourite mode of public transport, buses over recent decades have been in decline. Covid also had a significant impact. However, the Government provided almost £1bn in emergency funding to keep services running and the deal for operators was that the Government would provide support in return for their cooperation and partnership to deliver for the consumer. And I am pleased to say that here in Sevenoaks that is exactly what has happened.
Last week I had the pleasure of meeting with the owner of Go Coach, Austin Blackburn, to hear more about the very innovative approach his company are taking with bus travel locally – and I was incredibly impressed.
As well as the standard bus service that we are all used to, Go2 now operate two other styles of demand-responsive services, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the details.
The first, is a bus demand responsive service, which offers a bus-stop to bus-stop request service. Essentially, rather than having to travel along a fixed route, you can order a bus to meet you at any bus stop within Sevenoaks, Riverhead, Dunton Green, Seal, Kemsing Otford, Shoreham, Eynsford, Farningham, West Kingsdown and central Swanley and be taken to any other bus stop within those towns and villages. The operation hours are Monday to Friday 6am to 9.30pm; Saturday 7am to 9.30pm and Sunday 8.15am to 7.45pm
The easiest way to book your ride is to use the “go2 Sevenoaks” app, however Go Coach are very aware that not everyone uses or has access to smart phones, and therefore it is possible to order a bus by phoning 01732 463964. The advantage of using the app is being able to track the bus prior to arrival in real time to see if there are any delays.
Fares outside of peak hours are £2.50 for up to a mile, £4 up to 3 miles, £5 up to 6 miles – with a £6.50 maximum for longer journeys. 50% concessionary fares are available for those with an England National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS) bus pass and travel is free to those with a Young Persons 16+ Travel Saver Pass. Additionally, anyone accompanying you off peak only has to pay £1 - no matter how far the journey - peak or off peak.
The second service is more akin to a taxi service and has been supported financially by Sevenoaks District Council who provided £72,000 toward the purchase of the vehicles, which are fully adapted to accommodate passengers with mobility issues and are wheel-chair accessible.
This service covers the whole of the constituency, with the exception of South Darenth, Fawkham and New Ash Green. You can be picked up at any location (such as your home) and be transported directly to wherever you wish to go within the area. The service operates Monday to Friday 6am to 9.30pm (peak hours being 7.30am to 9.30am and 3pm to 5pm) and Saturday 9.45am to 5.45pm (off peak all day). Off-peak fares commence at £5 and are capped at a maximum of £18 and, ENCTS Concessionary Bus Passes can obtain a 20% discount off peak.
Buses are a lifeline for so many people in communities like ours, and innovation to services such as these will have a beneficial impact for residents’ lives. Whether its transporting teenagers to college, allowing pensioners to see their friends, or allowing people to travel to and from work, bus services sustain town centres, strengthen society, and protect the environment. And I am delighted to see Go Coach leading the way in connecting our community.