Over the weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the asymptomatic COVID testing site at Sevenoaks. This site is for people who don’t have symptoms, but may be unknowingly spreading the virus in the community.
I was delighted to see how brilliantly the site was running, and my huge thanks go to all the excellent military personal and staff who are working so hard to test as many visitors as possible. I would also like to say thanks to Kent County Council Director of Public Health Andrew Scott-Clark and his team, who have played a pivotal role in setting up such testing sites across the county.
There are currently two mass testing sites in the constituency, and I would urge everyone without symptoms to be tested every two weeks if possible; please do book yourself a slot on: https://kcc.healthit.org.uk/covbook/home
You can either visit:
1) The Bat and Ball Centre, Cramptons Road Sevenoaks, TN14 5DN
2) Swanley Youth Club, St Mary's Road, Swanley, BR8 7BU