Sevenoaks District Council Official have been working tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 outbreak to support businesses, individuals and families who have been impacted. I have been so impressed with their efforts and I know they are making a huge difference on a daily basis to many of our most vulnerable residents.
I would like to take this moment to thank them for all their work, as well as acknowledging their generosity in donating £20,000 to local charities to aid their work during these difficult times. The council have pledged to match every donation made to the ‘Sevenoaks District Communities Together’ appeal (up to £5,000), which will be split between four important local charities:
▪️ Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge - Providing independent living advice, support and activities for older people
▪️Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS) - Supporting women and men experiencing domestic abuse
▪️Friendsforfamilies - A small charity working in the Sevenoaks District to help families facing financial hardship
▪️ West Kent Mind - A charity promoting positive mental health and supporting people with mental health problems.
As of yesterday the total donations raised stands at £2,850 and a particular special mention goes to Dunton Green Parish Council who have pledged £1,000.
In this difficult time, charities who care for vulnerable people have a larger demand than ever before. If you would like to donate to the ‘Sevenoaks District Communities Together’ project please visit:…