I cannot tell you how much of an honour it has been to represent Sevenoaks and Swanley in Parliament over the last four and a half years, and with the date for the General Election now set for 4th July, I will campaign for every vote for the enormous privilege of representing you once again.
I know how difficult the last few years have been for families across our community, but by working together we have achieved a huge amount.
We now have the Boys’ Grammar in Sevenoaks and a fast-line train service to London Bridge and Charing Cross through Otford and Swanley. We secured a multi-million pound rebuild of Orchards Academy and have more uniformed police officers on the beat. We have successful protected developments on Green Belt land at Ashgrove Road, Wheatsheaf Hill and Broke Hill, passed legislation which makes it easier and quicker to remove unlawful traveller encampments (which sadly the Liberal Democrats and Labour Party consistently voted against), and successful campaigned for a new Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) school.
I am proud of my track record of delivery for residents, but there is of course more we can do together.
I have set out on my website (https://www.lauratrott.org.uk/) my plan, which contains improving our local transport infrastructure including rail, roads, and cycling, continuing to protect our much loved Green Belt land (despite Labour and the Liberal Democrats both supporting national housing targets which do not take into account Green Belt land and Area’s of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and supporting local business, including campaigning for a local Banking Hub in Swanley and protecting access to cash across our community.
I am also committed to cutting local crime, particularly shoplifting and local cases of antisocial behaviour, standing up for families and young people by protecting our local grammar schools (which Liberal Democrats and Labour are opposed to) and ensure enough protected placed are assigned for Kent pupil who pass their 11+, and championing local healthcare so that our local NHS services can respond to respond to the community’s needs.
This is my home, and I want to continue to work every day to make Sevenoaks the best place to live, work, and do business.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch at [email protected].